Hitex Driver

  1. Hitex Driver Jobs
  2. Hitex Drivers
  • Head Start in Cloud-based OEE and Manufacturing Analytics
  • Extensible and Secure OT/IT Integration Based on Standards
  • Versatile Solution With Low Start-up Costs

Efficient Analysis of Production Data

Hitex driver login

Benefit from the expertise of Hitex AURIX™ Preferred Design House and download our white paper! Hitex has written many custom VADC drivers over the years and is now proud to announce a ‘universal driver’ that can be adapted for pretty much any VADC application, no matter how complicated, using a simple configuration file.

  • Click here to read more on the role of Hitex as Preferred Design House (PDH) for Infineon with the new TLE9180 3Phase Bridge Driver. Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Greater China: MOTEON. MOTEON is the preferred service provider for motor control software and system solutions.
  • Developing device drivers for a highly integrated microcontroller can be daunting and time-consuming. To speed up this process, Hitex supplies a full range of low-level drivers for Infineon’s AURIX microcontrollers. For AUTOSAR-based projects complete packages of Infineon's MC-ISAR low-level drivers for MCAL are available.
  • Overview The Hitex LPC4350 Evaluation board allows you to quickly and easily evaluate the LPC4300 family of microcontrollers. The microcontroller, board and the accompanying features make it a great starting point for your next Cortex-M4 project.
  • Link of production line to Azure IoT Suite Connected factory in less than a day
  • Immediate access to valuable business insights generating improved operational efficiency
  • Connection to full range of data sources supported by dataFEED OPC Suite
  • No change of security and firewall settings required
Hitex Driver

Comprehensive Connectivity


Hitex Driver Jobs

  • Compliance with OPC UA interoperability standard for industrial communication
  • Overall benefit of built-in and proven security
  • Application execution in cloud or on premise
  • Integration with edge analytics

Ready-to-Start Scope of Delivery

  • Minimized configuration and system integration efforts
  • Deployment of multiple applications with just one starter kit
  • Support of multiple cloud platforms (Microsoft Azure and others)
  • Low maintenance costs and investment protection
  • Equally suited for deployment in production as well as for proof of concept in lab environments

Hitex Drivers

Hitex Driver

Developing device drivers for a highly integrated microcontroller can be daunting and time-consuming. To speed up this process, Hitex supplies a full range of low-level drivers for Infineon’s AURIX microcontrollers. For AUTOSAR-based projects complete packages of Infineon's MC-ISAR low-level drivers for MCAL are available. In addition Hitex has created a set of specialized complex drivers that can be used together with the MCAL drivers or independently with any other software architecture.

The drivers insulate real-time operating system users from the complexities of the AURIX peripherals, reducing them to simple function calls through a well-defined API. This massively reduces the time-to-market of a product as the complex low-level CPU interfacing is already done and the user can focus his development effort on the application level.

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  • Hitex AURIX Services -
    an Overview
  • Hitex Software Solutions
    for AURIX - a detailed
    description of the
    available drivers
  • Hitex Driver Creation
    and Project Support
    for AURIX